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CPAP pro

The oxyhero CPAP pro mouthguard is designed and approved for use in cases of mouth leakage arising from CPAP therapy.
oxyhero CPAP pro scores highly for being both discreet and exceptionally easy to use. In the past, patients experiencing mouth leaks (air escaping via the mouth) only had the option of a full-face mask for their CPAP therapy. Now that’s changed – they can switch to far more comfortable nasal masks or nasal pillow masks with the help of oxyhero CPAP pro.

  • Effective: The mouthpiece prevents mouth leakage and allows for a lower ventilation pressure in CPAP therapy.
  • Comfortable: Because there’s no mouth leakage, the user can switch from a full-face mask to a more comfortable nasal mask.
  • Gentle: oxyhero CPAP pro is fitted onto the upper jaw; the lower jaw and tongue remain in their natural positions and are free to move.


Photos for download [Link]
Instruction manual [Link]
In technical terms, this is a mouthpiece/mouthguard combination made from thermoplastic material for insertion into the oral vestibule (the area between the teeth and the inner lining of the lips and cheeks). It is CE certified and made from biocompatible material.

How does the mouthguard prevent mouth leaks?

In CPAP therapy, ‘mouth leaks’ occur when ventilation air from the CPAP machine is introduced through the nose but exits directly through the mouth.
This means some of the airflow that is supposed to keep the upper airways open is lost. The CPAP therapy is less effective as a result.
The mouthguard is a very effective way to prevent inhaled air and CPAP ventilation air from escaping through the mouth.

How does it work? The mouthguard is positioned in the oral vestibule (the area between the teeth and the inside of the mouth and cheeks) and this prevents air from escaping via the mouth. This also means the ventilation air from the CPAP machine cannot be ‘forced’ out via the oral cavity. Instead, you have a steady flow of air going in and out via the nose and upper airways.

You maintain the continuous ventilation pressure from the CPAP device. Because the mouthguard is so effective at preventing mouth leaks, the CPAP therapy can operate at a lower pressure. This also enables patients who tend to experience mouth leakage to switch to nasal masks / nasal pillow masks, which users often find more comfortable.

Patients enjoy better comfort and have an easier time sticking to the treatment.

Study by the University of Magdeburg: Mouthguard increases the effectiveness of CPAP therapy with a nasal mask. According to the study, there is a 93% likelihood that the mouthguard increases the effectiveness of CPAP nasal mask therapy. In addition, the study showed that patients prefer a combination of nasal mask plus mouthguard.

Study from the Medical Faculty of Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Germany [Guth P. (2020) ‘Verhinderung der Mundleckage durch eine enorale Schildschiene (somnipax©) bei nasaler Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (nCPAP)- bzw. nasaler Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure (nBIPAP)-Therapie bei Patienten mit obstruktivem Schlafapnoesyndrom’, dissertation Magdeburg 2019, p. 21 ff.]